Tyronne Pires

Co-Founder & Managing Partner
1964 - 2020

John Simento

Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Jamal Sabri

Group CEO

sir John and late Tyronne Pires

The Start

John Simento and Tyronne Pires first met while working at a trading company in Dubai. They found common ground in their ambition and entrepreneurial spirit. John was the calm and collected strategist, while Tyronne was the passionate visionary. Their contrasting styles complemented each other, creating a dynamic and balanced partnership.

In 1994, with a shared vision, they took a leap of faith and started their own company.

Jamal Sabri

Building a Dream

John and Tyronne's differing approaches often led to spirited debates, but these discussions were the crucible in which their best ideas were forged. "Our differences were our greatest strength" - John Simento.  The company, which initially operated out of a small office, quickly gained a reputation for its innovative solutions and exceptional customer service. Under their leadership and later together with the Group's CEO, Jamal Sabri, the Group continued its expansion.  Thus, beginning a journey that would see the business grow into a thriving enterprise with over 300 employees.

sir John and late Tyronne Pires

A Legacy inspiring the Future

Sadly, in 2020 Tyrone passed away causing an immense loss to the company and personally. His passion and energy were one of the driving forces behind Almoe group of companies’ success and John & Jamal were determined to honor Tyronne's memory by continuing the work they had started together. "His legacy is our constant reminder to push the boundaries and to strive for greatness." – John Simento & Jamal Sabri

Key Milestones

  • [1994] - Setup Office

  • [1996] - Almoe Digital Solutions

  • [1998] - AlMahbara Office Equipment Trading LLC (ALMOE) Abu Dhabi

  • [2001] - Almoe AV Systems

  • [2003] - Almoe AV Rentals

  • [2006] - Almoe Solutions

  • [2007] - Expension into the Indian subcontinent with offices in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata

  • [2009] - Expension into the Qatar with office in Doha

  • [2011] - Expension into Saudi Arabia

  • [2012] - Abcom Solutions Abu Dhabi

  • [2012] - Launch of Ecommerce Platform, JT Online (Projectorsquare.com and lampcentre.com)

  • [2013] - Launch of Displaysquare.com
